
Cloud-Based Access Control

Protecting your employees, customers, and equipment begins with innovative building access control systems.

Installing and Supporting Building Access Control Systems

Access management systems are the physical security equivalent of a top-of-the-line firewall that protects your cloud environment from cybersecurity threats. Meriplex’s cloud-based access control services ensure that only those you want entering your facility or data center are allowed inside.

Our building access control system proactively manages and secures all points of entry and exit. Access controls verify the identity of authorized employees or service providers at points of entry and exit before granting door access. Meriplex’s cloud-based access control systems are fully customizable and scalable, so as you onboard new employees or move sensitive equipment to new locations, you can quickly change your settings.

Video Surveillance

Cloud door access controls are a critical step in protecting your employees, customers, and equipment, but they’re not the only way to manage access. To further safeguard your business from unauthorized access, consider Meriplex’s video surveillance services.

Close up view of fingerprint access control

Choosing the Right Access Management System

When selecting a building access control system, you need to evaluate your current needs and plan for future growth. Meriplex’s team of experts offers forward-thinking support to ensure you’re selecting an access management system that addresses your security concerns and provides long-term solutions.

Even with our co-managed approach, you’re going to want cloud-based access controls. They eliminate the complexity of onsite infrastructure maintenance by moving your existing IP cameras and network infrastructure to the cloud. Meriplex’s vast experience in installing, maintaining, and monitoring internet-connected access control systems guarantees your solutions match your business’s needs and objectives.

Cloud Door Access Control Authentication

When developing a secure system, you need a way to authenticate someone’s identity when they try to unlock the door. The main thing to consider is which type of authentication provides the level of security you require. There are several options Meriplex can help you select from, including:

  • Physical or digital key cards and access card readers
  • Biometric scanners
  • Access codes via mobile devices
  • Key fobs

Benefits of Cloud-Based Access Control

  • Cost reductions: Cloud-based access controls typically require less equipment per entrance/exit than other access control systems, which lowers costs.
  • Greater scalability: Because Meriplex’s managed services are cloud-based, adding role-based access controls at new entry points involves little more than simple installation.
  • Streamlined upgrades and updates: Because your system is internet-connected, it’s easier to add features, upgrade and update software, and integrate everything into your network.
  • Enhanced mobility: Your cloud-based access controls allow authorized users to grant entry from anywhere with an internet connection.

Schedule an Access Management System Consultation

Building access control systems is invaluable to protect your business, your people, and your equipment. Schedule an appointment with Meriplex today to discuss your cloud door access control needs.

Enhance Your Access Management System With Video Surveillance

Cloud-based access control keeps unauthorized individuals from entering your building, but that doesn’t mean they can’t do damage outside your facility. Meriplex’s video surveillance services provide constant monitoring that gives you a broad view of your property. That way, you can keep an eye on entry/exit points and any other area you choose.

Meriplex works with you to choose essential areas and place cameras at angles that offer the most coverage. When you work with Meriplex, you have a partner dedicated to delivering optimized physical security solutions.

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