
What to look for in a Denver Managed Security Services Provider

This article will review what you should look for in a Denver managed security services provider if you considering outsourcing your cybersecurity to an MSSP.

The Right MSSP is Worth it

Finding managed security services in Denver can seem like a big challenge, especially for those new to the concept.

Not only do you have to judge multiple vendors in a short amount of time, but you also need to balance the benefits of using a local provider or finding a national partner.

Fortunately, finding the best choice for your business doesn’t need to be difficult.

In this brief post, we’ll review best practices for finding an MSSP.

What is Managed Security?

Managed security is a model that uses a third-party provider to manage a business’s security.

These services benefit companies of all sizes but are an especially big draw for small and medium-sized organizations that may not have the same level of resources as larger businesses.

Here are a few of the benefits.

  • Cost savings on specialized equipment.
  • Allows onsite IT staff to focus on core work.
  • Easier to scale as your company grows.
  • More reliable than DIY security.
  • Greater levels of expertise.

Tips for Finding an MSSP

More and more small and medium-sized companies are choosing managed service providers for security.

However, not all services are created equally. More importantly, the risks faced by any given organization differ. Follow our tips below to make sure you find the best vendor for your organization.

Look for recognition of expertise

Cyber security is a constantly changing landscape. As business infrastructure develops and evolves, new types of threats make themselves known. When you’re looking for a managed security provider, you want to ensure that you’re working with a group of people who truly understand this concept.

Things to look for in this category include customer reviews, case studies published by the vendor, or awards granted by recognized industry bodies. Video explainers and blog posts that break down complex concepts in everyday language are also helpful in determining the expertise of a provider’s staff.

Consolidate your providers

One approach to third-party services is to use a different vendor for each security product you need.

However, modern security is incredibly complex. Your best bet is to find a service provider with multiple offerings. This makes your organization’s security better and it also cuts down on the number of contracts and other paperwork you need to track.

Consider training as well as detection

Many people think of automated threat detection systems when they think of security.

While detection is definitely an important part of keeping your customers and your data safe, it’s only one aspect. Even small businesses today need to consider how they can embed security-conscious thinking into their workflows and organizational culture.

Providers who offer training, whether it’s remote, in-person, or pre-recorded, are a great way to cut down on your company’s risk profile.

Determine ease of use

Expertise and variety of services are both important elements to successfully choosing a service.

However, these only matter if you can actually use the tools. Try to get a sense of the strengths and weaknesses of each vendor’s product, ideally with a trial or demo.

Some providers include a centralized dashboard that can save you time reviewing different reports.

Location and size

One consideration that is often overlooked is whether it’s better to go with a large national provider or a smaller, local one.

There are benefits and drawbacks to both approaches. Large vendors typically attract better talent and have more capital to use when creating their services, which can result in more usable and effective products. However, it’s important to be able to reach someone locally in case of emergencies. Local staff also make training and in-person troubleshooting much simpler.

We recommend an option that blends the two. If you can, find a vendor that is national in scope but maintains branch offices around the country. This way, you’ll get the higher level of expertise that a large organization can attract without sacrificing the more focused response of a local company.

Assess fit with your security practices

Finally, it’s important to recognize that all organizations approach security in different ways.

In part, this is due to managerial or other preferences. But the fact is that every business is unique, even those working in the same industry. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution.

Before you reach out to vendors, it’s a good idea to get a handle on what you’re currently doing to manage your risk. Example questions include:

  • Are there flaws in our network we are already aware of?
  • Are there points in our standard workflows that are vulnerable to exploitation?
  • How familiar are our employees with common risks and cybersecurity best practices?
  • Why do we want to improve our organization’s security?

If you’re unsure about your answers, ask your potential provider how they recommend launching a cybersecurity program. Their responses to your questions will also show whether they’re a good fit for how you do business.

Meriplex: A Managed Security Services Provider in Denver, Colorado

Meriplex is an industry leader in managed services, including security. We pride ourselves on our combination of national coverage and expertise with a local focus. To accomplish this, our staff is located at multiple offices around the country, including in Colorado’s Mile High City.

Lower Your Organization’s Risk with Meriplex

Ready to learn more about managed security services for your organization? Our experts can help. Contact us today to find out how a Denver managed services provider can help you meet your security goals.